Thursday, 18 December 2008

How to best use "alt" tag

With the increase of bandwidth and the shift from dial up to broadband more and more people are implement more design into their site to make it more attractive to the audience which they are hoping to inspire.

Now we understand that Images are a great way to enhance a website from a user's viewpoint. However, it is important to note that search engine crawlers cannot really "see" images. So, if you have lots of images that contain textual content within the image itself, this content will not be seen by the crawlers. The alt attribute allows web pages to assign specific text as the "alternative" content for images for those that cannot view the images themselves. This can be search engine crawlers or text-only web browsers. We would advise you to use "alt"tag for every image in your webpage.

Tip: The best way to name an image is to try to define the image rather than just straight forward naming it. Since search engines don’t read images giving images a meaning would go a long way in assisting search engine.

For Example: instead of simply naming your image “Cat” you can go a bit further by adding bit of description for instance a cat with black and white fur.

Tip: Having too many images on the web page means the user has to wait longer to view your page. We recommend having fewer or smaller images. Sometimes simply resizing your images will make them smaller in size, and your web page will load faster.

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